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2017年12月22日 (金)

NCDXF End of Year Appeal


NCDXF End of Year Appeal


The primary purpose of the Northern California DX Foundation is to help fund well-organized DXpeditions to rare, difficult and expensive entities. Even though the current solar cycle is winding down, the NCDXF has been seeing more activity than ever in its history.

Recently, two large grants were given to the 2018 Bouvet and Baker Island DXpeditions, both currently ranked in the Top 5 Most Wanted DXCC entities. We have also contributed to WRTC 2018, the ARRL Ham Aid Fund, provided tuition for youth at DX and Contest Universities, and partnered with IARU to operate a worldwide Beacon system.

In 2017, so far, well over $200,000 has been granted to DXpeditions and other projects. Before this, the highest calendar year grant total was $131,000 in 2005.

These grants would not be possible without contributions from the DX community.

Our Cycle 25 Project is an endowment project for those wishing to leave behind a legacy contribution for our hobby. Please consider NCDXF in your estate planning. The earnings of the Cycle 25 Project fund will be used to help support future DXpeditions.

And as the end of the year approaches, please consider becoming a contributor to NCDXF. For those who file United States income tax returns, contributions are tax-deductible, as NCDXF is a Section 501(c)(3) entity with the IRS. With your financial support, we’ll continue to make DX happen for DXers worldwide.

Visit our website, www.ncdxf.org, to learn more about our projects and how you can help.

Thanks in advance for your consideration.

With warmest Holiday wishes,

John, K6MM
President, NCDXF

P.S. Some hams have more than one call; some have more than one email address. I apologize in advance if you receive duplicates of this message. – JM

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