South Sandwich Island and South Georgia Island. VP8
The Intrepid-DX Group is proud to announce a major ham radio expedition to two rare entities in January-February 2016. South Sandwich Island and South Georgia Island are two of the most remote places on Earth. This DXpedition is made possible by the generous financial support of the global DX Community.
We invite you to follow our progress on this website as we move forward with our plans to activate these two rare entities. The content of our website will be constantly updated, so please check our progress frequently.
In January 2016, a team of fourteen Intrepid DXers will depart Stanley, the Falkland Islands on the venerable RV Braveheart and embark on a 32 day voyage encompassing South Sandwich and South Georgia Islands. Our plans have us activating South Sandwich island first as it is the #4 most wanted DXCC in Clublog. We will be active on South Sandwich for eight days, weather and sea conditions permitting. We will then re-board the RV Braveheart and make a voyage to South Georgia Island, the #9th most wanted DXCC entity. We will activate South Georgia Island for eight days before starting our return voyage to the Falkland Islands.
While we intend to activate these two rare entities during this voyage, our primary activity and focus is completing eight days of activation at South Sandwich Island as it is most needed by the global dx community.
Our total budget for this DXpedition is $425,000 much of which is being provided by the fourteen team members. We invite all Foundation, Club and individual donations via our Donate page.
You can follow our news and activity via this website as well as our Facebook and Twitter posts.
Thank you for your interest in our DXpedition!
Big-newsです! 私は両方ALL-NEWです。
再来年の1月ですから とらたぬ ですがKP1も含めて約1年で3つ減る勘定です。
こずかいを切り詰めて ドネーション するぞ!
JAから Jun Tanaka-JH4RHF氏が参加のようです。
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